Introduction to the Tijaniyya method
The Tijani way is the commitment to the remembrance (dhikr), the prescribed daily supplications (wird), and the Hailala (the phrase...
His involvement in the Tijaniyya order and his defense of it
The scholar and judge, Sidi Ahmed Skirj, was one of the prominent scholars of the Tijaniyya Sufi order. He became a member of this order in...
His children
The esteemed scholar, Judge Sidi Ahmed Skirj, may Allah have mercy on him, left behind three children: Abdul Karim, Mohamed, and Mariam,...
Section introducing the scholar Sidi Ahmed Skiredj
This section of the website aims to provide a comprehensive biography of the esteemed scholar Sidi Ahmed ben Al-Ayachi Skirj, one of the...
The Skirj family of Morocco traces its origins to Andalusia, having migrated and settled in Morocco since the 10th century AH. The family...
Sidi Ahmed Skiredj’s brothers
Sidi Muhammad Skirj, known as “Sidi Muhammad Al-Laban” due to his involvement in the dairy trade, passed away near Fès on...
His birth and upbringing
The renowned scholar and judge, Sidi Al-Hajj Ahmed Skirj, was born in Fes in the middle of Rabi’ al-Thani in 1295 AH / April 1878 CE....
His marriage
The scholar and judge, Sidi Ahmed Skirj, was raised in a scholarly and Sufi environment and received his education in the city of Fez. He...