Written by 9:45 am Sheikh Skiredj

Section introducing the scholar Sidi Ahmed Skiredj

This section of the website aims to provide a comprehensive biography of the esteemed scholar Sidi Ahmed ben Al-Ayachi Skirj, one of the most prominent scholars who served religion and the Tijaniyya order through his efforts and great works. This section presents a detailed account of his noble lineage, his parents, and his grandfather, illustrating how his character and scholarly development were influenced by a family rich in knowledge and piety. It also discusses his personal life, such as his marriage, children, and the roles he undertook throughout his life, highlighting his social and scholarly status.

Additionally, this section covers his biography from birth and upbringing, detailing his development as a knowledgeable and educational scholar. It also reviews his vast views on religious sciences and how he was influenced by the scholars from whom he learned the sciences of the Quran, Hadith, history, jurisprudence, and prosody. The section highlights his students who were nurtured under his guidance and inherited his knowledge.

Furthermore, this section provides a list of his valuable works and writings on various topics related to jurisprudence, literature, and Sufism, along with his letters and fatwas, which were responses to inquiries from scholars and seekers of knowledge. These writings have become an important reference in the Tijaniyya order. The section concludes with a mention of his death and how his works and ideas remain a living legacy, lighting the path for his followers and disciples to this day, in appreciation and recognition from scholars and historians.

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