Written by 9:21 am Tijaniyya method

Section on the jurisprudence of the Tijaniya method and answers to its questions

This section provides comprehensive guidance on the jurisprudence of the Ahmadiyya Tijaniyyah order, based on the writings and letters of the scholar Sidi Ahmed Sikirj. He was known for addressing all the legal questions sent to him from various parts of the world regarding the matters and principles of the order. The importance of these writings lies in their unique clarification of Tijani jurisprudence and their guidance for the seekers, which fulfills their needs and resolves many of the issues they may face in their path and practices.

Scholarly efforts by Sidi Ahmed Sikirj were devoted to enlightening public opinion regarding the foundations of the Tijaniyyah order. He spared no effort in answering any inquiry sent to him, whether from within Morocco or abroad, addressing various legal and doctrinal aspects of the order. With this dedication, he never hesitated to assist his brethren in the order with all the knowledge he possessed. He devoted his life to serving this mission with sincerity and dedication, defending it with all the strength he could muster.

His contributions in this field were profound and comprehensive. This section presents a selection of his most important responses and thoughts, which, if collected into a single work, would comprise many volumes. These efforts remain an original reference for anyone seeking a deeper understanding and broader knowledge of the Ahmadiyya Tijaniyyah order.

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