His marriage
The scholar and judge, Sidi Ahmed Skirj, was raised in a scholarly and Sufi environment and received his education in the city of Fez. He...
Who are the scholars of the Tijaniya order?
The scholar and researcher of the website, the esteemed Sidi Mohamed Al-Radi Kanoun Al-Idrissi Al-Hassani, says: In the name of Allah, the...
Section on the jurisprudence of the Tijaniya method and answers to its questions
This section provides comprehensive guidance on the jurisprudence of the Ahmadiyya Tijaniyyah order, based on the writings and letters of...
Department of Defense of the Tijaniya Order
This section aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Ahmadiyya Tijaniyya Order, relying exclusively on the books and writings of...
An excerpt from the book The True Faith by the scholar Sidi Ahmed bin Al-Ayyashi Skirj, may God be pleased with himعنه
Second Section: This section is dedicated to refuting what the critic Ibn Badis claimed about the Tijaniyyah sect, specifically regarding...
Department of Defense of the Tijaniya Order
This section aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Ahmadiyya Tijaniyya Order, relying exclusively on the books and writings of...
The three books related to the Tijaniya method
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, and may blessings be upon our master Muhammad, the opener,...